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Forum on health symptoms and treatments - vitamin D

These are all opinions - but interesting

The following are vitamin D related charts as of Oct 2011


Above chart: Symptoms which people treat with vitamin D


Above chart: Ways that people get vitamin D - in order of popularity


Above chart: The forms of vitamin D which gave the most improvement


Above chart: Their opinion as to why they had a vitamin D deficiency


Above chart: Cause of Osteoprosis - Vitamin D is fairly low

{IMG(attId="857") max = "450"}{IMG}

Above chart: SAD treatment - vitamin D and sunlight


Above chart: MS treatment - vitamin D


Above chart: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - vitamin D is fairly low


Above chart: Dandriff - vitamin D and sunlight

Forum on health symptoms and treatments - vitamin D        
6004 visitors, last modified 10 Nov, 2012,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
860 CT Dandriff.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 15.50 Kb 1506
859 CT Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 27.31 Kb 1374
858 CT MS treat.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 18.95 Kb 1576
857 CT SAD treatment.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 23.22 Kb 719
856 CT cause osteoporosis.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 16.86 Kb 2097
855 CT Cause.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 24.63 Kb 3375
854 CT treatment by most improvement.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 26.43 Kb 1377
853 CT Treatment by popularity.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 26.57 Kb 1571
852 CT Symptoms.png admin 29 Oct, 2011 23.41 Kb 2178